Monday, June 29, 2009

John Hates Americans (Actually Everyone)

My name is John. I am a 26 year old from Tennessee. I am a college graduate from a major university. I have worked in the television industry for 4 years and have recently moved to a new city. I have also acquired a fiancee in the last few month and am looking forward to our wedding soon. I must give a little background about my story so everyone can see why I think the way I do. I come from, like most southerners, grandparents who were children during the depression. Everyone had hard times then but especially the South. I have always been proud to say that I come from dirt. Both sets of grandparents worked hard to put both my parents and myself through college. Most of the time I feel like I have to succeed beyond what they accomplished for me because of the blessings I have been given. That can be a lot of pressure on a young man. Fortunately for me I have been given good tools to help my improvement. My family owns a hardwood lumber mill, and as a teenager I was stuck in the sun every summer doing manual labor for six dollars an hour. I always have said this is the best thing my parents ever did for me. Getting to the point of all of this rabble, what I mean to say is that I have a been on both sides of the fence. I have been white collar and I have been blue collar. I have had everything I needed payed for and I have been on my own and made my own way as a man. This blog is just my observations of the truth revealed about a country and my thoughts on why I have grown to be so bitter at the American people and the world in general. Most of this I hope is controversial and, if express my feelings correctly, I hopefully will offend and piss most of you off. Enjoy...

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