Monday, June 29, 2009

Why I Hate Politicians pt.1

First of all, I do not consider myself a democrat or a republican. Like many I am tired of the black and white politics of the day and cannot agree whole heartedly with either side. Mainly because I have observed over the past several years that both parties are full of idiots. I believe in common sense, much like the late George Carlin. So, in his honor I have founded my own political party to affiliate with. In the great tradition of the common sense sarcasm of Mr. Carlin I will call my new party the Shitpisscockcuntcocksuckermotherfuckerandtits party. Here are some political observations I have made in the past month that I believe I need to call bullshit on... 

So a friend of mine who works in Tennessee politics puts up an interesting post a few days ago. It went something like this... "I sure am glad the senate made the right choice for Tennessee and passed the bill which allows any citizen to carry a gun in a restaurant. Good day for Tennessee." Now, I am going on the 7 month countdown of not having a job as I am sure many of you my age are unfortunately experiencing the same thing. But I wonder why in this dire time in our society, that stupid politicians are still worried about gun laws above all else? How many redneck mullets do we really have in our government? I guess my mom always told me that there is always a bright side to things and in this case I think that I have found it. Since they have passed this law it is going to make it much easier for me to bring my 9MM in to Burger King to rob them of the $23 in dimes, 13 ketchup packets, and 7 jr. bacon cheeseburgers I will need to survive through July. But then again, Arby's is doing so poorly that if I buy a 89 cent drink, they give me a sandwich for free and I don't have to pay for gunpowder. I also have heard that they have passed a bill so that first time homebuyers can get a loan for a new home with no money down and no assets as collateral......In utter shock, I really am starting to believe that Tennessee is being governed by a room full of retirees with alzheimer's who just want to make it through the day so they can get apple juice and watch Montel Williams. I also love the fact that the house finance committee, who have been caught being blatantly asleep at the wheel, feel they must repair their bad name by fucking with the people who are actually trying to help fix our broken system. These people have forgotten that the real criminals are at their mansions in their olympic sized swimming pools, swimming through middle class Americas money. I enjoy watching these guys parade the SEC, the Treasury, and others in to the house like misbehaving 2nd graders being sent to the principles office, just to ask them questions about a subject they know nothing about, and when they get appropriate answers they act like they understand. I once heard a republican senate member state on CNBC that Americans should vote for Republicans because the Democrats are all lawyers and the Reps are a diverse group, including doctors, teachers, and others. Well thats wonderful that they are representing doctors and teachers because they sure as fuck don't have any economists in their ranks. The Democrats are just as bad, while the president makes, what I believe, to be the most honest and caring attempt to strengthen America for the majority of the public in about 50 years, the Dems are so hell bent on playing "I told you so" that these idiots are screwing up everything their own president is trying to accomplish. My new hobby is watching the chairman of the Finance committee, Barney Frank, talk during meetings. Who is dumb enough to let this guy have a microphone? Not only that, he now runs the meetings for the single most important decision making comittee in our country? This guy needs to get hooked on phonics just so he can order lunch. He sounds like a retarded child chewing on his tongue. If you haven't heard this guy talk you seriously need to look for him on you tube, it is barrels of laughter. However, my favorite personality on capital hill of all time has to be Maxine Waters. This woman is the House of Representatives version of Professor Snape of Harry Potter fame. This may be the only person in America who is angrier than I am at everything. Probably because she realizes that she is way over her head. Unfortunately, her job is to interview the most brilliant minds in finance and economics on these same topics and she has since shown to the American public, on many occasions, that our government has absolutely no clue what the fuck it's doing. In the past six months she has entertained me by making more millionaire CEO's and Federal Economists get the "what the fuck are you even talking about" look on their face than I can shake a stick at. Point being... unfortunately, if you are waiting for the government to do its job and help you out, my bet is you are in for a long wait. Better go out there and do whatever you can to help yourself because both parties have proven that they don't have a clue what to do about anything that might prove useful to the people they represent. They didn't sign up for this, they wanted to get paid to argue about gays, gun laws, and abortion. Hey thats what they have done for the past 20 years. Why should they have to actually do some work this time around? Just watch out for the Shitpisscockcuntcocksuckermotherfuckerandtits party in the next election. We need your support to get common sense people back in government and send the radical rednecks back to the trailer parks.

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