Monday, June 29, 2009

Why I Hate People Who Like Michael Jackson

So the king of pop has kicked the bucket. Now I am once again amazed at how the death of someone can elevate them by the American public in the media to absurd proportions. First off I recognize that he has sold more albums than any other artist. Fair enough, however, his father Joe is the king of insane parents who push their children to far and paved the way for the likes of Lindsey Lohan's mom and Tiger Woods dad. Joe Jackson is looked at as a great parent because he is one of the lucky few whose children actually made it to stardom, and even though he destroyed the Jackson family to do it. That is, however, overlooked since most of them have made millions of dollars, a.k.a. the only gauge of happiness in America. If something would have been different and the Jackson's didn't catch their lucky break, then Joe Jackson would have just  been another ass hole dad starting a fight at his four year old's tee ball game. This is still clearly shown in the insane, yes insane, properties showed by his children. Michael was and always will be a mentally ill human being. If you don't believe me then name me some people you know who routinely have over 7 nose jobs, bleach their skin, and take estrogen pills like a kindergardener in an M&M factory. Plus everyone forgets that he molests little boys, but thats ok because he made "Thriller", and all is forgiven now that he is dead. Fuck that! If you ask me he has probably been wishing for death for years. He obviously was a mentally and emotionally unstable individual who couldn't walk outside in the yard for longer than 2 minutes without someone trying to take his picture and publish an article about how bad his clothes look or how fat his ass is. Even if some of you out there are dumb enough to think that he was a perfectly sane individual, then you can't argue with the fact that he felt at least a little awkward that he thought Jheri Curls were in style until 1994. To every other artist's credit, when he sold all of his albums his main competition was a 30 year old whore-cock tease, who no one has actually ever seen naked. If you can't figure out who I am talking about then you are stupid and I am not giving you clues. My god, this guy was the king of the 80's! That is like being the guy that owns a billion dollar sewage pumping industry. No matter how much money you make you are still the king of shit. In review, what am I trying to convey with this post? Several points 1. 80's music was a curse to humanity, thank God for Nirvana. 2. If you like 80's music you probably don't have any friends because you suck. 3. Because someone dies prematurely or tragically does not acquit them for past sins, nor does success. The world is better off without him and if he could speak from the grave he might just agree with me. Now BEAT IT!

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